Technology Conference June 2020

Exence S.A. Company was a participant in the Technology Conference that was held in June 2020. During this event, a company delegation distributed our NFC tags diverted to Exence’ new website 🙂

Thank you and see you again in a year!

Wrocław’s IT Services Center – Project Monitoring & Management System

In December 2018, Wrocław’s IT Services Centre began looking for a Project Monitoring & Management System.

The service centre required software to enable them to manage task budgets by tracking planned expenditure and comparing this to actual costs. An additional requirement was for the software to provide notifications if projects were in danger of running out of funds or, in contrast, if the allocated funds were not expected to be used so they could be transferred to other projects. The software allows users to monitor projects’ progress and view individual contracts connected to them, which makes it possible to make a better assessment of the projects being monitored.

The realisation of the project required:

  1. Pre-Implementation Analysis.
  2. Construction of the IT system including:
        a) development of the System prototype,
        b) construction of the System in the Test Environment,
        c) production launch of the System.
  3. Preparation and delivery of documentation to the client.
  4. Conducting training for 200 (number needs checking) End Users and system administrators.
  5. Granting the Purchaser a license and guarantee for the project monitoring & management system.
  6. Provision of Maintenance Services.

All work was carried out in accordance with the clients’ specifications and deadlines.

Neapco Europe Sp. z o.o. – ESS Implementation

Neapco Europe supplies parts for numerous well-known car manufacturers. To help ensure high quality standards and give employees the opportunity to gain further qualifications, employees, both managerial staff and line / production employees, are frequently sent to other branches within Europe e.g. Germany, as well further afield, such as to the USA or Mexico.

The company was looking for an automated employee self-service application and chose the Exence ESS (Employee Self-Service) platform to manage HR processes. The solution also had to take into account the rather complicated structure of Neapco – some Polish employees had supervisors in Düren, Germany, and the system needed to automatically select the correct language version when logging in. In addition to multi-language versions, the solution also included:

  • supporting national placements (travel, food allowances, etc.)
  • supporting advances (PLN and other currencies)
  • the ability to issue and settle costs for foreign placements (crossing the border, etc …)

The system can also manage the invoice flow in the company. Exence implemented an invoice processes workflow in Neapco for:

  • service invoices,
  • fixed assets invoices,
  • invoices for purchasing materials,
  • invoices for courier and transport services,
  • invoices for external services,

The platform is integrated with the company’s ERP system. The project was completed within the budget and deadline agreed with the client.

Exence has completed the modernization of the AC and TNA system and launched “intelligent barriers”

We have completed the modernization of the Access Control (AC) and Time and Attendance (TNA) system at the EBCC (Draxton Group). The aim of the project was to adapt the existing AC and TNA systems to the current requirements of the client.

The key aspect was, above all, to automatically generate a list of people present on the plant premises. The generated report needed to provide information about every person present on site (employees, partners, guests, etc.) and detailing their location on a premises (production hall 1, production hall 2, offices, etc.). It also had to provide essential information to managers responsible for the evacuation of a given group of people or area.

If evacuation is necessary, at the touch of a button, each manager automatically receives a list of people for whom he is responsible in the evacuation process. This list is delivered to the appropriate e-mail address.

As a part of the project, we also integrated the barrier infrastructure with the AC and TNA systems. To allow privileged drivers to access the premises without leaving the vehicle, the opening and closing of the barrier was based on a signal transmitted from the dual-chip RFID card. Entering and leaving the plant is also automatically recorded in the TNA system.

We have been cooperating with Exence for many years. We value Exence above all for having a competent team of engineers from various IT areas. We are always looking for partners who will take responsibility for the full scope of the project, although, as was the case with the current project, it was necessary to modernize the teletechnical infrastructure as well as to create a dedicated solution exactly for the needs of EBCC users.

Łukasz Setlak, Head of IT, EBCC Sp. z o.o

Exence modernizes the LAN at Ronal Polska

In March 2020, Exence completed modernization of the LAN at Ronal Polska.

This is the first stage of a project to implement a completely new network infrastructure in one of Ronal’s production plants in Poland.

In this first stage of the project new switches were used, which will form the core of the new network (CORE LAN). After considering several options for the new network the client decided on the latest connectivity offered by Aruba CX 8320 switches.

Flexible and intelligent Aruba CX 8320 switches with AI algorithms are a dedicated series for building network cores in enterprises or data centres.

A fully programmable network operating system and cloud-centric design delivers automation and simplicity, including easy-to-use configuration tools for error-free installs. Built-in monitoring and analytics further enhance the operator experience with immediate troubleshooting and problem resolution insights.

The process of choosing a new technology for the construction of the core LAN took several months. Above all, we wanted to accurately identify and compare the various technological options available. We expected a concept to build a new core network using technologies based on various AOS-CX, AOS-S and Comware operating systems. Exence fulfilled this task perfectly, providing us with an astonishing 11 possible options to choose from.

Janusz Lang, Head of IT, Ronal Polska

Exence consultants implement new backup system for large gastronomy company

Exence has completed the implementation of a backup system for our long-time global client.Exence has completed the implementation of a backup system for our long-time global client.In the first phase, we focused on developing the functionality of the system. The goal was to develop the concept of the system architecture that will be able to operate both in the on-premises environment (two client data centres located in Poland) as well as ultimately a hybrid solution (on-premises & Microsoft Azure cloud environment).An important requirement was also that the client wanted to be able to smoothly migrate from on-premises architecture to hybrid (on-premises & cloud) based on the same technology (equipment and license) and without any further investments.

Together, we decided to choose DELL & EMC technology. The new architecture includes the following products:

  • DataDomain
  • DPS for VMware
  • DDBoost for Enterprise Applications
  • AVE & DDVE on AWS – to są angielskie skróty?

An additional advantage of the implemented solution was the ability to ultimately build a backup repository in the S3 object space in the cloud (Microsoft Azure), which is many times cheaper than traditional block space. The client will also be able to restore the data from the cloud to the on-premise environment as well as to virtual systems in the cloud through the AVE/DDVE systems replicas launched in the cloud.

Exence implements VMware vRealize Operations 7 Advanced at Ronal Polska

We have implemented VMware vRealize Operations 7 Advanced in 3 branches of Ronal Polska.

This project was the next step in building a VMware environment for one of our long-term, strategic partners. After implementing technologies such as: VMware vSphere, VMware vCenter, VMware Site Recovery Manager and VMware vSAN, the time had come to implement a solution for centralized management and monitoring of the widely used VMware environment. Of course, vRealize Operations is such a solution.

vRealize Operations Manager constantly monitors the health of the VMware environment and the hardware platform on which it is installed. The solution identifies the trends in which the environment works and predicts potential future problems. Operations Manager also “stays in constant contact” with the administrator of the VMware environment by automatically sending notifications of problems or “departures” from assumed indicators (KPIs).

The vRealize Operations administrator has the ability to create dedicated dashboards by adding widgets presenting the required information (object states).

VMware technology is one of Ronal’s corporate standards. Exence has been helping us implement various products from the VMware portfolio for several years. The implementation of the Operations tool can be described as the “culmination” of earlier projects, in which we have built SRM and vSAN environments together.

Janusz Lang, Head of IT, Ronal Polska

Modern WLAN network for a leader in the production of alloy wheels

We have implemented a new WLAN network in one of Ronal Polska’s factories.

The following tasks were carried out as part of the project:

  • Expanding cabling network in order to implement the WLAN.
  • Delivery of modern WLAN infrastructure – WLAN network controllers and Access Points dedicated for production halls (enabling operation in a difficult environment).
  • Implementation of a new WLAN using the latest Aruba OS 8.x architecture:
    • Aruba Mobility Master
    • Aruba 72xx series controllers
    • Aruba Access Points
  • Implementation of a solution to manage and monitor WLAN networks – Aruba AirWave.

The projects to build a new WLAN network covered two areas – telecommunication (horizontal cabling) and WLAN. That is why we wanted a supplier to take responsibility for the entire undertaking. The division of tasks into two areas came with many risks. We were looking to commission a partner with knowledge and experience of the WLAN technology we were currently using – Extreme Networks (formerly Motorola). We expected the integration of two WLAN networks during the transition period. We decided to cooperate with Exence because this company has extensive knowledge and experience in implementing such projects.

Janusz Lang, Head of IT, Ronal Polska

Implementation of NetApp storage for Südzucker Polska S.A.

We have completed the implementation of another NetApp storage for Südzucker Polska S.A.

As part of the project the FAS2720 series storage was delivered and implemented. We have also modernized the SAN network.

Exence has been our long-standing and proven partner for many years. The NetApp storage implementation project was part of a larger program, which started in 2017, to fully modernize the IT infrastructure in our organization. Experienced Exence engineers accomplished the mission – modernized the storage, backup and SAN areas. The implementation was carried out without disruption to the business continuity of the entire organization.

Marek Witkowski, Head of IT, Südzucker Polska S.A.

Humidity monitoring system at Südzucker Polska S.A.

Sugar is a hygroscopic substance, i.e. it has a tendency to absorb moisture. Therefore the analysis of the environmental conditions in the places where it is stored is absolutely crucial. Supplying products that do not meet quality standards always incurs financial losses and, importantly, can have a very negative impact on the manufacturer’s market image.

To meet the needs of our client, Exence provided and installed sensitive detectors to measure humidity and temperature. Moreover, the physical conditions of warehouses demanded an innovative solution to ensure that the sensors were maintenance free and could effectively transmit the data recorded.

Exence’s solution comprised a network of sensors connected to a central web application that allows automatic reading of environmental parameters. The current conditions are displayed in dedicated dashboards, as well as real-time reporting of deviations and analysis of trends. Of course the history of this data is also important during delivery and returns processes.

Providing customers with products of the highest quality is “inscribed in the DNA” of Südzucker Polska S.A. Therefore, we are constantly striving to search for new technologies that will help us maintain high quality standards of our products. Such a solution is of course the system created by Exence. From one simple interface we have access to current information and to notifications we receive when the environmental conditions deviate from the optimal. The system works in warehouses distributed across many locations in Poland.

Marek Witkowski, Head of IT, Südzucker Polska S.A.