
Exence has completed the modernization of the AC and TNA system and launched “intelligent barriers”

We have completed the modernization of the Access Control (AC) and Time and Attendance (TNA) system at the EBCC (Draxton Group). The aim of the project was to adapt the existing AC and TNA systems to the current requirements of the client.

The key aspect was, above all, to automatically generate a list of people present on the plant premises. The generated report needed to provide information about every person present on site (employees, partners, guests, etc.) and detailing their location on a premises (production hall 1, production hall 2, offices, etc.). It also had to provide essential information to managers responsible for the evacuation of a given group of people or area.

If evacuation is necessary, at the touch of a button, each manager automatically receives a list of people for whom he is responsible in the evacuation process. This list is delivered to the appropriate e-mail address.

As a part of the project, we also integrated the barrier infrastructure with the AC and TNA systems. To allow privileged drivers to access the premises without leaving the vehicle, the opening and closing of the barrier was based on a signal transmitted from the dual-chip RFID card. Entering and leaving the plant is also automatically recorded in the TNA system.

We have been cooperating with Exence for many years. We value Exence above all for having a competent team of engineers from various IT areas. We are always looking for partners who will take responsibility for the full scope of the project, although, as was the case with the current project, it was necessary to modernize the teletechnical infrastructure as well as to create a dedicated solution exactly for the needs of EBCC users.

Łukasz Setlak, Head of IT, EBCC Sp. z o.o

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