
Wrocław’s IT Services Center – Project Monitoring & Management System

In December 2018, Wrocław’s IT Services Centre began looking for a Project Monitoring & Management System.

The service centre required software to enable them to manage task budgets by tracking planned expenditure and comparing this to actual costs. An additional requirement was for the software to provide notifications if projects were in danger of running out of funds or, in contrast, if the allocated funds were not expected to be used so they could be transferred to other projects. The software allows users to monitor projects’ progress and view individual contracts connected to them, which makes it possible to make a better assessment of the projects being monitored.

The realisation of the project required:

  1. Pre-Implementation Analysis.
  2. Construction of the IT system including:
        a) development of the System prototype,
        b) construction of the System in the Test Environment,
        c) production launch of the System.
  3. Preparation and delivery of documentation to the client.
  4. Conducting training for 200 (number needs checking) End Users and system administrators.
  5. Granting the Purchaser a license and guarantee for the project monitoring & management system.
  6. Provision of Maintenance Services.

All work was carried out in accordance with the clients’ specifications and deadlines.

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